No matter how crazy now super-chain, manufacturers how flat sales in place, how cruel competition in the wholesale market, agents still have a huge space for survival, and will not shrink with the wholesale market and eventually disappear. Today alone agents how to field their own one-third of an acre piece of hard work and better business chat.
1, play a core competence
銆??涓?釜浠g悊鍟嗘兂娲荤殑鏇村ソ棣栧厛鎷ユ湁鑷繁鐨勫厛杩涚殑钀ラ攢闃熶紞锛岄泟鍘氱殑鍛ㄨ浆璧勯噾锛屽Ε褰撶殑杩愯惀鏋舵瀯锛岀獊鍑虹殑鍏叧浼樺娍绛夈? So agents have to make full use of their core competitiveness of enterprises, how to give full play to their enterprise resources. Close to the local end-users such as agents familiar with local customs, and local government departments, news organizations are inextricably inherent advantages, can also shape the development of the small dealers, free delivery (of course, a reasonable match), credit off period, staffing and other support policies. GOME why so bullish, coke head out of the factory bad ear, because the strong people, people with strong core competencies, so lovely integrated agency who have their own resources, and strengthen its core competitiveness in order to the factory site to prevent their incorporation, was divided chain. As operating costs are now too commercial distribution channels, as long as agent management, the management of the downstream network, to meet the requirements of manufacturers, as long as you do not "big business bullying the factory," Why should intervene Direct factory, a waste of resources?
2, the formation of companies tied awareness
Do not blame manufacturers ruthless agents face of changing market forces, the face of Gome and Suning chain such as the "mischief", manufacturers are enough to create misunderstandings, profits were nearly stripped bare, the market is out of the smoke signals everywhere, demanding unwarranted, the purchase price account of credit, (if not solve their demands, may not to do section), Returns outrageousness and so manufacturers are not very comfortable day off, but also find ways to maintain the balance of competition in the market, they can be described as is both love and hate. Therefore, agents should be completely clear, as long as the same stance, same views, the role of consensus, unity of purpose, consistent with expectations, and manufacturers to create a kind of "seeking common ground while reserving differences," the bonds of the Commonwealth, the most faithful servant to do manufacturers, the most friendly partners, the most capable assistant, use of self-advantage resources RBI for the factory market, management, business networks, so that the maximum range of manufacturers, has won the maximum downstream customers, bring real benefits for both parties and interests. And not to do their own strong, such as wolves scores weakens, cooperation conflicting, resulting in a lose-lose. I would like to live agents or has strong vitality.
銆??涓?釜鎴愮啛鐨勫晢涓氭壒鍙戝競鍦猴紝涓轰簡缁忔祹鐨勯暱杩滄?鍙戝睍锛屼负浜嗛伩鍏嶇珵浜夌煕鐩剧殑鎭跺寲锛屼竴鑸兘浼氳鏈夎繖绉嶄笓闂ㄧ殑濮斿憳浼氾紝骞虫椂浜掗?淇℃伅锛屼氦娴佹?鎯筹紝鍕剧敾鍙戝睍钃濆浘锛屽崗璋冨唴閮ㄧ煕鐩撅紝鎴栧叧閿椂鍒诲鐞嗙獊鍙戜簨浠讹紝鎶靛尽鈥滃鏁屸?銆傝?闈㈠鍗曚竴鍝佺墝浠g悊鐨勪唬鐞嗗晢锛屽湪甯傚満绔炰簤涓殑绔炰簤浼樺娍锛岀浉瀵规潵璁插氨姣旇緝钖勫急涓?簺锛岃繖鏃跺氨瑕佸厖鍒嗗埄鐢ㄩ泦浣撳姏閲忥紝鍚堜綔涓?簺娌℃湁鍘夊鍐茬獊鐨勪紮浼达紝褰㈡垚鍚勫搧鐗屼箣闂磋仈鐩燂紝渚嬪缁熶竴鍏嶈垂鐨勯厤閫佽揣锛岀粺涓?績閿?椿鍔ㄦ敮鎸侊紝缁熶竴浜哄憳绠$悊绛夌粨鍚堣捣鏉ヤ簰甯簰鍔╋紝鍏卞悓鎵舵寔涓嬫父缁忛攢缃戠偣锛屼娇璧勬簮浼樺娍鍏呭垎鑱氱劍璧锋潵锛屾墠鑳戒骇鐢熸洿澶х殑濞佹厬鍔涳紝鎵嶈兘褰兼鏇村姞鑺傜渷璧勬簮銆?War always like to use "all conquer" tactics, proving the power of solidarity, the team's advantage. Today, your competitors and retire from the dead, is not indicative of Mission over the battlefield you will not tomorrow, only the common people live, to survive for a common goal, the intention is the most persistent.
4-run train network partners
銆??浠g悊鍟嗚鏃跺埢鎯崇潃涓庣粡閿?晢鐨勫埄鐩婄淮绯诲湪涓?捣锛屼笌缃戠偣鍏卞瓨浜★紝鎶婅嚜宸变笅娓哥綉鐐瑰綋浣滆嚜宸辩殑鍒嗘敮鏈烘瀯锛屾垨杩為攣鍒嗛攢缃戠偣杩涜鎵撶悊銆佺粡钀ャ? Agents may try to join in the form of shares or to manage your distribution network. Regardless of the operating mode, as long as the possession of such partner-service awareness, and distribution network on the most likely form a community of interest, to avoid agents and dealers struggled, with a dubious price trading, making profits, there is milk a mother, squeezing each other businesses on the object. Agents for their strong network, both in manpower, material, resources should give the greatest support, even if their profit is only a little year-end rebates, but also, as always, to the scale of production efficiency.缃戠偣娲荤殑鏇村ソ锛屼綘鎵嶈兘娲荤殑鏇村姞鍑鸿壊锛屽埄娑︾偣鎵嶈兘鏇村銆?So impregnable partnership established marketing relations, competition, the will is the most expensive cost of access barriers, agents and distributors on both sides of the transaction costs in terms of each other will decrease. There is no doubt that agents in order to survive, to live better and structural transformation of customers, improve customer quality, completely change the current prevailing model of transaction-based marketing, go to content integrity and win-win partnership for the marketing, around the corner.
銆??鎬讳箣锛屽競鍦烘槸浜哄仛鍑烘潵鐨勶紝妯″紡涔熶汉鍒涢?鍑烘潵鐨勶紝鎰夸唬鐞嗗晢浠潰瀵瑰競鍦哄彉鍖栵紝缁煎悎鑷垜璧勬簮浼樺娍锛岃璁¢?鍚堣嚜鎴戜紒涓氬彂灞曟柟妗堟潵鎸戞垬鍙橀潻锛岃鑷繁娲荤殑鏇村ソ銆?br />
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